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Is Treadmill Good For Losing Weight [Workout From Home]

is treadmill good for losing weight

There are literally millions of ways you can find to lose weight. Almost all of them are beneficial and they will assist you in reaching your goal while preserving your health.

Here we will have one technique revealed which is simply very popular today by using treadmills. The first fact you must remember is that yes, using a treadmill for losing weight is beneficial and more than just possible.

It Is a Slow Process so Be Prepared

You must know that losing weight is a slow process that requires time. You will need weeks before you notice any significant improvement and before you start noticing a better look. This applies to any other method for losing weight, not only with the treadmills.

So, now when you know that the time is something you will have to invest, we can assist you by revealing how much and when you must exercise. Luckily this is a simple process.

300 Minutes per Week Are Desirable

The amount of 300 minutes per week, spent on a treadmill is the sweet spot. It has been recommended by all professionals and all who used the treadmill to lose weight.

Don’t forget that 300 minutes of walking is what we refer to! If you prefer jogging instead of walking, 150 minutes are also preferable.

Now the data which will show you how much weight you can actually lose. An average person with a weight of 180 pounds, will burn 220 calories at a speed of 3.5 mph on a treadmill, after 30 minutes. It is a decent score and it is definitely something to look for. But, the same person, in the same duration, but at a speed of 6 mph will burn more than 400 calories.

Speed vs Calories Burn

The key element here is to understand the faster you move, the more calories you burn. More calories you burn will help you decrease the weight and lose it over a shorter period of time.

We must add that if you are irregular when it comes to this form of exercising, you won’t get any promising results. You must exercise every single day in order to lose weight. If you skip a training, it isn’t the end of the world, but you will have to make it up for it.

Stand Instead of Holding the Handles

In a gym, you were likely to see certain people who use a treadmill while holding the handlebars. This can be a mistake which can cost you a significant amount of burned calories. As a matter of fact, it will cause between 20% and 30% lower amount of burned calories per exercise! 

Instead of holding the handlebar, you should stand tall and move the entire body or as much as possible. Each, minor and massive body movement will help you speed up the entire process and help you burn even more calories.

Final Thought

Yes, a treadmill will help you lose weight within weeks as long as you keep track of your workout progress and diet. It is one of the best and simplest ways you can use without having to worry of your local weather and terrains.

You can easily buy one treadmill for home use to compensate the times you’ve missed out to visit the gym. So start running and stay healthy now!

Check out our lists of the best treadmills for home use.

    Elle Lori

    Hi, Elle here. I am a simple girl that loves gymnastics, cooking, fitness and of course, pampering myself with a good massage after a hard day at work. As a creative copywriter, I combine my passion mentioned above to develop reviews and content to help my readers get what they want.