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Easy Gardening Tips And Ideas For Your Urban Garden

The urban residents usually have a strong belief that gardening is for those who live in pastoral or greenbelt areas. However, this is not the trend right now. Many urban dwellers have taken the initiative to start gardening in their own backyard, balcony, or patio. Hence, our gardening tips could be useful to you.

Gardening is no longer restricted to land. It has extended its wings to even pots in balconies. Due to such alternatives, urban gardening is actually creative and easy. Regardless of whether you wish to plant flowers for an embellishment purpose or vegetables for feeding your family, you can contribute effortlessly to have a maintainable green layer around your home.

Although gardening in the city may not be as straightforward as cultivating on a fertile porch, it is certainly not impossible. In fact, urban gardening is preferable, as there are many environment- and health-related benefits.

gardening tips

If you understand the meaning of urban gardening, the lack of space for the same will never be an issue. So, what is it? Well, it is a garden that adapts to a particular or a small space. It can be in any form, as per the place you have chosen.

For example, if there is a small patio or a terrace, a raised bed is the most reliable form of urban gardening. As these places are above the land, a concrete block will also do. In case of a balcony or a front porch, hanging baskets and hanging pots are your best bet.

In these baskets, you can consider growing not only flowers but also tomatoes, cherries, and greens. Even you can go for window boxes extending your living space for a green space without actually consuming any former space.

The Importance of Urban Gardening

Tips for Efficient Urban Gardening

To make your garden look pretty and healthy, here are some cool tips for you to follow.

Consider Container Gardening

One of the most reliable ways to have a small garden in your apartment is to have plants in containers. Obviously, not all have a terrace, porch, or a gallery. In this case, you can still easily have a garden by setting a series of containers.

Available in a variety of sizes and shapes, pots or containers are versatile. As they are portable, it is quick for you to move them out and in during different seasons. For example, you can have a container with seedlings inside and then move it out when it is summer.

Instead of ornamental pots that are costly and add nothing to the top quality of gardening, consider buying a big bucket for planting. Alternatively, you can even use empty paint containers and old toys.

Dry Pots Please!

Avoid using wet pots for planting. This will prevent you from several upcoming hassles and even unhealthy plant growth. So, you should allow the containers or pots to dry before using them.

At the same time, there should not be any kind of deposits inside or outside the surface. Chances are there that you may come across salt deposits on the clay containers. To remove them easily, mix water, rubbing alcohol, and vinegar in equal amounts and pour it in a spray bottle. Now, apply the same to the clay surface and then use a plastic brush.

Test Your Soil Before Use

If you think that your soil may be of poor quality, you may be right. This is because the soil in cities is likely to have a less favorable quality in terms of fertility. So, it is wise to test the soil using a test kit for soil and know its details such as type, organic content, pH level, and phosphate level.

To improve the urban soil quality, you may have to mix some amendments like lime and organic matter in the right quantities. Doing so makes it more nutritious so that more quantities of water and air become available for plant growth.

As an amendment, compost is perhaps a nutritious mulch. It enhances the soil structure and retains its nutrients to foster plant growth. It also makes plants highly resistant to diseases apart from making them stronger than those grown without compost.

Other than that, there are several lawn mowers in the market which include mulching function. Lawn mower mulching is basically when you mow your lawn, the grass will be collected in a bag, later you can use them as fertilizer for your garden. Win win!

Find out what’s our verdict of electric lawn mowers, as these mowers are small and require only battery or power socket which are highly recommended for small-sized garden.

Select Right Plant Well

You should select those varieties that are simple to grow in a less space. Interestingly, many herbal, floral, and vegetable varieties grow well in such spaces. For example, you can consider shallow-rooted veggies such as lettuces and herbs.

Native plants are ideal, as they are adapted to local weather and environmental conditions. They are also strong enough to withstand the local transitions in terms of weather, need no irrigation or fertilization, and are resilient to many pests and plant ailments.

Once you have decided what to plant, you need to know to plant effectively. Potting involves a few steps. Usually, you start by adding some gravel at the container’s foot for facilitating drainage and then put soil. Then, at the top, allow an inch space for watering. Stuff some more soil once a plant is added and then water moderately.

Most of the times, there is no way for drainage. However, drainage holes are indispensable if you wish to prevent waterlogging. In fact, plants can die due to waterlogging. Further, these holes should be big enough for the water to go out.

Rain Water and Cooking Water

Even your garden needs clean water apart from your body. Unluckily, clean water has become scarce in many urban areas. So, in that case, as a shrewd gardener, you need to think of other ways to store or save water. Luckily, there are many ways such as storing rain water barrels or even digging small wells. 

Did you know even the water that you drain from the vessel of boiled or steamed vegetables can be used for gardening? Next time, do not drain it but use it for watering plants in pots. The result would positively surprise you.


Living in an urban home does not mean that you cannot garden. In fact, gardening is one of the creative ways to relieve stress and enjoy the bliss of Mother Nature. Urban gardening can be a breeze with the aforementioned simple and useful gardening tips.

If you have a bigger garden, perhaps a gas lawn mower may come in handy. Oh and by the way, do not use an electric or corded lawn mower when the lawn is wet. The reasons are covered in this article.

    Jeremy Delores

    Jeremy is here to help you get the right tools and equipment for your yard and garden. Being obsessed with them for almost a decade, he knows how important quality and reliability is when using them. For this reason, he will focus on creating and sharing content that not only cover the latest information and trends but also his insights on the best products that will suit your needs and requirements.

    Ollie Stanforth

    I would love to win a copy of this journal. Gardening is my passion and I love to see others share their experiences.

      Verner Ellen

      Thanks for your compliment. Glad that you find my content useful.

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